Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday, February 25, 2013
Recreation Center at 5 Central Street at 7:00pm
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF);
Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Ron Kern (RK)
Staff: Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Heidi Cushing-Candelario (HC), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Call to order: 7:15pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:
Acceptance of Minutes: 1/28/13
(RK) Ron Kern made a motion to accept the minutes of 1/28/13 as is.
(PF) Pat Fillmore seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business
Old Business
- W&F is the same night as the vote in town
Maria has 16 restaurants confirmed room for one more.
We need 21 chafing dishes
Have receive $315 in sponsorship monies
SS please forward list of restaurants to committee members.
Advertising: Sign on HS fence, Ad in transcript 3/7, Letter to Editor on 3/14, Ad in Transcript 3/21
Wine order (MF) from One Stop Liquors. The selection will be fewer quantities down to 16, but quality will be higher. Probably will order 20 cases again this year. Last years budget was $2150, will stay with the same budget for this year. 10 red, 6 white and maybe sangria. Flyers will be on tables. Will have 4 wine tables with 4 selections on each table.
- Beer will be ordered again through New England Redemption Center. Refer to last year’s list.
- Committee members have asked for W&F flyers so they can distribute.
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- RM will be going to Hillview Commission to speak with them and will bring quotes from Gale Associates. Gale submitted quotes for two locations to be researched. Sent quotes to LUC and will present to Hillview Commission.
- Need to get Riverwood map to Gale Associates. They will come back with a cost of where an entrance at Riverwood could go, bridge over wetlands and develop area for a community center and how feasible it may be.
Refer to email by Rita Mullin.
LC handed out documentation from research of other centers visited by herself and Maria Brown. Lynne summarized visits for everyone. All centers had movie area, dance room, gym, kitchen, art room and sinks in all rooms.
Recreation is asking if LUC is onboard with the community center concept.
BL asked LUC if they are aware of how IRP may change if community center is located there.
BR is interested in seeing what architects would come back with.
- KT stated that LUC has had this on their radar for a long time.
- Park Director Update (MT)
- Tennis Courts: Received soft quotes from Cape N Island- $50k per court for Asphalt and $65k per court for concrete.
- Vending machine: will be picking up vending machine soon. Need to have rekeyed.
- Youth League meeting: MT will be getting together will members of each league at a meeting to go over field use & facilities expectation, schedules, etc. Also, would like feedback from leagues. Will hold meeting at Town Hall. SC and MS will attend as well.
- Recreation Director Update(LC)
- Operation Director Update (MS)
- Open Space Plan: State approved Open Space Plan draft.
- 4th of July permit: Hosting a Country Music Dance and are requesting for us to sell tickets at office. Committee agrees it is ok.
- BBQ Concert Series: Have booked bands, will be applying for grants, MB will be working on sponsors, working on booking children’s entertainment.
- LUC (RM)
- CIT Updates (RM)
- FONRPRC Updates (SS):
Other Business
Next Meeting Dates: March 4th
March 18th
April 1st
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:05 pm.
(PF) Pat Fillmore seconds the motion.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed